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Commissional Coffee has partnered with Under Over Mission in Conroe, TX.


Purchase a bag of our Freshly Roasted, Fair Trade, Organic Coffee at a special discounted rate to be donated to Under Over Mission in your name!


*Although we will be dropping off the coffee directly to Under Over Mission on your behalf, you will still be asked to put in shipping info during checkout. Just put the same information on this step as you would for your Billing info. Thank you for Commissioning with us for the sake of the Gospel!



Under Over Coffee Donation

  • Choosing Fair Trade Certified products ensures farmers get a fair deal. It helps keep their kids in school, improve their communities, protect the enviroment and grow the best products possible for you.

  • * Organic farmers do not use harmful or super-toxic chemicals on their coffee crops.  The coffee that you drink is as “clean” as possible.  This means you are not putting dangerous pesticides or insecticides into your body each morning.

    * The lack of pesticides do not destroy the soil, a critical factor in the nutritional value of all organic food.

    * Most organic coffee is shade-grown and this directly impacts taste.  According to Silvia Covelli, CEO of True Origin Organics and a member of the Organic Coffee Collaboration, “the best tasting coffees are the ones that are shade-grown.  This is because coffee is a very aromatic plant and absorbs all the flavors and aromas from surrounding trees, such as plantains, cacao and fruits.  The exotic aromas come out when not exposed to chemicals.”

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