GC Missions exists to glorify God by proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ, teaching the Word, and equipping believers for service to the nations. To fulfill this mission, we assist national conferences through the development of sustainable income, health, education, and Christian witness in partnership with local churches, businesses, and friends. Investing in the Church’s long-term ministry will empower members abroad to expand their ability to impact the world with the good news (Matthew 28:18-20).
As Christ’s disciples, we want to be faithful stewards of what God gives us–not by giving people just enough for today, but multiplying those resources to last them and others
for a lifetime of fruitful service to the glory of God.
As a result, the investments made by GC Missions are what we call “No Zero”. They capitalize on the Church’s ability to sustain long-term growth from local resources, rather than creating dependency from abroad to maintain the status quo. Your support not only makes an impact now, but for generations to come.